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Jarvee v2.0.8.2

Jarvee v2.0.8.2 Cracked,the best social media automation software for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr and Youtube accounts.
JARVEE Alternatives to MassPlanner both are same when it comes to the user
How To use Jarvee To get a bigger following on Instagram
  • Name : Jarvee Premium
  • Version :
  • OS : Windows
  • Type : Facebook , Google+ , Twitter , Pinterest , LinkedIn , Instagram,Quora, Tumblr Marketing Tools
  • Price : $45 
  • SalePage :
Schedule Your Posts and Grow All Your Social Accounts 10 Times Faster Than Before!
JARVEE is doing the work of an entire social media team that ensures your online brand’s success. 24/7 without the lunch breaks. JARVEE is definitely for you, if your goal is to:
Automate all your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr and Youtube accounts
Jarvee Premium Features:
  • Schedule all your social media updates for future publish : Find perfect timing for your content with Mass Planner and post them on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn.
  • Find and automatically join new Groups in you niche : Automatically find new Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn Groups in your niche, to extend your audience and attract new customers.
  • Automatically share your posts on Facebook Groups : Have your unique content automatically shared with the groups you’re member of. This is a tested and guaranteed way to drive more reach and engagement to your posts.
  • Auto-Follow people in your niche : Find and automatically follow Twitter/Pinterest/Google+/Instagram accounts with Mass Planner based on keywords for your niche.
  • We don’t advertise our presence on your posts : Keep your own voice on social media with our newly-available technology to build trust and long-lasting relationships with your costumers.
  • Fast and Reliable customer support : We want to make sure you get the most out of Mass Planner and create impactful and relevant marketing strategies for your business.
Cracked : Jarvee Social Media Automation Software
Changelog Version – September 10th:
– Social Profiles – Copy Settings – Added filter for the properties to copy list
– Instagram – Like – Results – Add option to Export all results for all accounts
– Instagram – Comment – Add option to filter users that have a minimum number of posts
– Instagram Direct Message – Removed the 500 characters limit
– Global Tools – Engagement Groups – Added option to limit the number of actions per day for each username
– Instagram Follow – When using the Send to extracted users option and Skip followers option and have the auto send scraped users to other accounts, send the users to the accounts only if they are not in their followers list
– Settings Social Platforms Instagram – Added option to Stop all accounts if more than x accounts get action required per day. When using the stop all accounts when x accounts get disabled per day stop counting the accounts that get action required as disabled.
– Instagram AutoFollow Extracted Users – Added new option to specify how many users should the scrape tool keep in history. For example if you set it to 50k and you already scraped 60k users using that account then from 10k some of the users could have been scraped before.
– Campaigns – support video uploads for Linkedin
– Campaign – Facebook – fixed selecting newsfeed before publishing on walls
– Pinterest – Repin – fixed clicking on save dropdown
– Instagram – Fixed issue with email confirmation (with the ‘Is Your Profile Information Correct’ popup)
– Instagram Story Viewer – Fixed issue with tags like [USERNAME] not working when replying to story
– Campaign – Twitter – fixed posting on tweetdeck
– Pinterest – fixed deleting older pins
– Pinterest – Repin – fixed pressing the save pin button

The Best Jarvee Settings For Instagram

These are the settings I have used to gain over 100+ targeted, and highly engaged followers per day on various accounts.

1. jarvee settings 2019

Make sure you have Jarvee downloaded, installed, and open on your computer. Once it’s installed, click Settings in the sidebar.
Jarvee Settings
Then go into the Error / Backup tab. Here you can change how often you want to backup your settings. Default settings are fine.
Jarvee Settings Error and Backup
Pro tip: reduce how long it saves backups if you don’t have a lot of space on your computer.
Next up, go into the Email Notifications tab and turn it on.
Jarvee Email Notifications
You can then choose what emails to receive. This will keep you in the loop of what Jarvee is doing and if any issues happen.
Finally, and optionally, you can go into Social Platforms > Instagram.
Jarvee Instagram Settings Names
At the bottom you will see an option for Show male/female names.
If you want to specifically target users on Instagram that use another language other than English.
You will need to choose the language you want to target (such as French), and then add in male and female names so Jarvee can filter and find Instagram accounts with only those names. This will make more sense when we jump into the follow settings later.
Once again, this isn’t required. It’s just good to know this option is here and exists!

2. Jarvee Instagram Tutorial 2019 — The Best Settings For Beginners

Click Social Profiles in the sidebar.
Jarvee Social Profiles
Then click the ADD PROFILE button.
Jarvee Add Profile
Select ADD PROFILE for Instagram.
Jarvee Add Instagram Account\
Now you can enter the information for your account.
Feel free to explore the different options and tabs here. We will only be covering the necessary steps.
The only fields you need to fill out is your username and password that you use to login to your Instagram account.
Jarvee Instagram Login
And then:
At the bottom click on Show Advanced Profile Settings.
Jarvee Show Advanced Profile Settings
Scroll down until you see Use embedded browser to follow when Action Blocked.
Enable it.
Do the same for Use embedded browser to like when Action Blocked.
Jarvee Like Block Profile Settings

3. Follow Settings

It’s now time to setup your tools.
Click Tools in the sidebar.
Jarvee Tools
Then click on Manage Columns at the bottom.
Jarvee Manage Columns
We are going to change the columns to only show important tools/information to make the interface cleaner.
Copy these columns and width settings:
Jarvee Tools Manage Columns
After, close the popupandit will save the settings.
Then click on MORE TOOLS to open up your Tool settings.
Jarvee More Tools
Open the Follow tab.
You will then want to use the settings shown below. They have been used for over a year on various accounts and have resulted in amazing results.

Jarvee Follow Run Timers:

Jarvee Follow Settings
  • Wait between: 3 and 4 minutes
  • Follow between: 4 and 6 people per operation
  • Delay between: 55 and 75 seconds
  • Execute between: 12:00am and 11:59pm

Jarvee Follow Limits

Jarvee Follow Limits
  • Follow a maximum of: 25 – 50 per day
  • Increase each day: 25 until it reaches 800 max Follows per day

Jarvee Follow User Filters

A lot of these filters are option, they’re simply what I recommend. Once again to learn why I’m using these check out my free course where I explain each setting.
Jarvee Follow User Filters
  • Skip Non English Users
  • User has profile image
  • User bio/username/name must NOT contain any invalid words (download my list here)
  • User has a number of followers/followings: 20-1500
  • User is not following this account
  • Do not follow private users
  • Skip business accounts
  • Do not follow accounts with more than 4 digits in their username

After Follow Actions

We want to like a post of every person we follow, this will result in them getting more notifications and increasing their chance to see you and follow back.
Jarvee After Follow Actions
  • Stop wait time when no more results
  • Like user’s latest posts
  • Wait between: 10 and 20 seconds
  • Like between: 1 and 1 post
  • Like a maximum of: 0-0 (no limit)
  • Remove poor quality Sources
  • Follow back ratio is lower than: 0.15 (you can use anything from 0.1 to 0.2)
  • Remove After: 2500 follows

Adding your follow sources

Next, click on your Follow Sources tab at the top.
This is how you tell Jarvee to find people to follow.
Jarvee Follow Sources
Enable these two options:
  1. Follow followers of target accounts (Selection Rank: 9)
  2. Follow users who interacted with posts on target accounts (Selection Rank: 10)
Selection rank means Jarvee will try to find users with the highest selection rank first, and if it can’t find anyone else, it will then go to the next source and find users from that.
These are by far the best sources to use for good follow back ratios.
Jarvee Follow users that interacted with posts on target accounts
Make sure to change the minutes to 2880 (2 days).
Finally, add in accounts to start targeting users of. These accounts should be similar to yours so that the people you follow are interested in your account.

4. UnFollow Settings

Our follow settings will be similar to your follow settings.
We just want to make sure that you are unfollowing more users per day then you are following.
This is to:
  • Keep you from reaching the following limit of 7500
  • And to make you not look like you’re spam following people
Click the Unfollow tab inside of your tools.
Jarvee Unfollow

Unfollow Run Timers

Jarvee Unfollow Run Timers
  • Unfollow after: 1 days
  • Wait between: 3-4 minutes
  • Unfollow between: 4-6 people per operation
  • Delay between: 55-75 seconds
  • Execute between: 12:00am and 11:59pm

Unfollow Limits

Jarvee Unfollow Limits
  • Unfollow a maximum of: 75-100 per day
  • Increase each day with: 25
  • Reaches: 850 max Unfollows per day

Unfollow User Filters

User filters are always optional, but these are options I recommend.
Jarvee Unfollow User Filters
  • Unfollow all users followed by Jarvee
  • Also target users followed from outside Jarvee (Optional)
  • Do not unfollow comments: last 6 posts
  • Use Whitelist (Optional: add in usernames of people you NEVER want to unfollow. such as good friends or accounts you like)

4. Like Settings

Finally, we will setup likes.
The aim with likes is to engage with your followers. This will remind them you exist, and will naturally increase your likes and comments. This is very important for how the algorithm works on Instagram as it sees engagement as the highest ranking factor.
Click the Like tab.
And let’s dive right in:

Like Run Timers

Jarvee Like Run Timers
  • Wait between: 3 and 4 minutes
  • Like between: 1-5 posts
  • Delay between: 120-180 seconds (a big delay will stop common like blocks)
  • Execute between: 12:00am and 11:59pm

Like Limits

Jarvee Like Limits
  • Like a maximum of: 25-50 per day
  • Increase each day by: 25
  • Reaches: 800 max likes per day
  • Like users most recent posts: 2

Like User Filters

Jarvee Like User Filters
  • Skip non English users
  • User has profile image
  • User bio/username/name must NOT contain and invalid words (download my list here)

Like Post Filters

Jarvee Like Post Filters
  • Posted within the last X days: 1
  • Filter posts by number of likes: 0 – 500
  • Choose a random post from the most recent user’s posts
  • Do NOT like if post caption contains specific words (download my list here)

After Like Actions

Jarvee After Like Actions
  • Skip wait time when no more results
Now it’s time to add sources to like.
Click on Sources in your Like tab.
Jarvee Like Sources
Then you want to enable these two sources:
  1. Like Posts of Followers (Selection Rank 10)
  2. Like Latest Feed Posts (Selection Rank 9)
It’s VERY IMPORTANT to remember, most of your likes are used after you follow users, as you will also be liking their latest post too.
So these likes are to just help boost your engagement 👍

Finish Up. Turn everything on!

Finally, head back into your Tools tab and turn the status of your tools to on.
Jarvee Turn Tools On

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